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GitHub Action and EHT Demo


Building Docker images on your machine and then pushing it to DockerHub manually is sometime cumbersome. Since we use Git and GitHub to keep track of all our source codes anyway, it will be great to ask GitHub to automatically build and push docker images for us whenever we change our codes.

We will use one of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)’s imaging pipeline as an example. The EHT is an international collaboration with a science goal to take pictures of black holes. The EHT published its visibility data on CyVerse and its software pipeline on GitHub .

Fork the EHT Pipeline

When you are on the EHT pipeline GitHub repository, first, click the “Fork” badge/button to create your own repository.

In your own repository, go to “Settings” to rename your repository to something readable for human, e.g., “eht-demo”.

Because we will need to connect to DockerHub to publish our image, go to the “Secerts” tab in “Settings” and add the following two secrets:

DOCKERHUB_USERNAME : your Docker Hub username

DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD : your Docker Hub password

Create a Dockerfile

To edit your version of the pipeline repository, let’s clone it to your “local” machines (laptop, desktop, atmosphere VM, etc).

git clone [email protected]:[GITHUB_USERNAME]/eht-demo.git

Then, change-directory into your local repository and create a script:


python /usr/local/src/ "$@"

Turn it into an run-able script by

chmod 755

Then, add a new Dockerfile with the follow content:

FROM eventhorizontelescope/img-env

COPY eht-imaging/ /usr/local/src/
COPY /usr/bin

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/"]

Commit all your files and push to GitHub:

git add .
git commit -m 'For building FOSS demo Docker image'
git push

Setup GitHub Action

Go back to your web browser and make sure that your own pipeline repository is updated. Click the “Actions” tab. Because you have not set up any GitHub Action, GitHub presents you many examples. Let’s click on “Workflow for Python, Maven, Docker and more …” at the bottom of the page and look for the “Docker image” example. Click “Set up this workflow” as a starting point.

GitHub now presents you an online text editor that describes an Action Workflow. Let’s just click “Start commit” to turn this into a Git commit.

Once you are done, click the “Actions” tab again. You will see the workflow is now set up. It’s probably still in the GitHub Action work queue. Wait a bit and it will turn into a running state.

Your “Action” workflow should finish successfully. However, it built an image call my-image-name inside the Action build machine. The name is not right, and you cannot use this Docker image.

Edit GitHub Action

Click on the name your Action workflow and select the “Workflow file” tab, then click the pencil icon on the top right, GitHub gives you an online editor again. Update the dockerimage.yml file to:

name: Docker Image CI

on: [push]



    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Build the Docker image
      run: docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/eht-demo
    - name: Login to Docker Hub
      run: echo ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} --password-stdin
    - name: Push to Docker Hub
      run: docker push ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/eht-demo:latest

Once you are done, commit it. And go back to “Actions” tab. Because editing the Action workflow is itself a Git commit, it triggers GitHub Action to rerun the workflow. If it works, you it should have built a Docker image and push it to Docker Hub.

EHT Image Reconstruction

Now, we are ready to perform an EHT image reconstruction to create your own black hole image!

First, because it will take some time to download the Docker image, let’s start pulling it first onto your “local” machines (laptop, desktop, atmosphere VM, etc) in the background.

docker pull [DOCKERHUB_USERNAME]/eht-demo > git-pull-log &

Let’s also create an empty work directory

mkdir ~/eht-demo
cd ~/eht-demo

Remember EHT published its data on CyVerse? Let’s download a data file:


You have both the data and software (in a Docker image). Let’s perform the image reconstruction:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/img [DOCKERHUB_USERNAME]/eht-demo -i SR1_M87_2017_095_lo_hops_netcal_StokesI.uvfits -o [NAME].fits --savepdf

It will take some time. And it may work or may not work—depending on if you pull an old version of the pipeline repository, or a new version.

If docker finished with an error message, you used the old version. And it is a great opportunity to see how convenient to see how GitHub Actions work. If docker finished without an error, congratulations, you can skip the next paragraph.

Go to GitHub on your browser, open eht-imaging/, and click the pencil icon to edit the file directly. Add the following two lines:

import matplotlib

on line 50 and the commit from the GitHub website. Because GitHub Actions “license” for changes on your repository, it will automatically rebuild your Docker image. Once it is done, pull the new Docker image by:

docker pull [DOCKERHUB_USERNAME]/eht-demo

And now you can rerun your analysis with the new Docker image!

Once it’s done, you will see two new files [NAME].fits and [NAME].pdf on the local machines.

Here you go! You just reconstructed your own black hole image!


OK this is cool so far. But the point of GitHub Actions is that it will rerun the workflow whenever you commit and push your repository to GitHub. So try to make some silly changes to your local Git repository, push it to GitHub, and see Actions react to your edits.